Saturday, August 7, 2010


Ok so. first off i have to say that hellaluah i am feeling better. i got super sick last weekend (it had to be the long weekend of course) and spent the better part of my four day weekend on the couch with kleenex stuck up my nose. not pretty. but on wednesday this week i started feeling better and today it's officail - i am better. aside from the fact my nose is still super runny, i feel great!

Ok so here's a good story for you - last weekend, despite being sick, i decided to go out with some friends on saturday night. i drugged myself up with cough medicine and we crashing! for real. it's always been a dream of mine to actually do it, and lucky i had three great friends (who will remain nameless in order to protect their safety) to do it with! I mean i've "crashed" a wedding before, but never like this. the only other time i did it was when i was at a friends wedding at the fort garry and the wedding was kinda a downer, so i jumped across the hall to the other one and ended up doing shots with the bride at the bar. soo fun. But this was the first time i went without being invited to ANY wedding at the fort garry. so anyways, we all got dressed up and headed out with our stories in check - we were from another wedding that sucked, so we decided to hop around and see what was happening at the other weddings. so far so good. the only problem was that we apparently looked too good. huh? there is such a thing? that's what one of the party guests told us. he was like, where are you guys from? you look to good to be from his wedding. like seriously, people would not leave us alone. everybody knew we didn't belong. now am i being crazy, but many times when i go to a wedding, i wouldn't have a clue if the person next to me at the bar is from my wedding or not. but these people totally suspected something! it was wild. but we met one bride (who was clearly drunk) who didn't care at all and loved that we thought her wedding rocked. My friends even got pictures with the bride and groom and one of them signed the guest book. too. much. fun. it of course had to end though when the groom kicked us out because he didn't want us drinking his booze on the house. we later figured out that the other wedding across the hall was cash bar and we we probably not the only people comming to the open bar. if only he could have been as drunk as his bride...

Oh and i just finished the final coat on my secretary's desk. looks hot. i wasn't thinking though and bought a flat finish paint, even though i know you have to have a semi-gloss when you're painting furniture...geez what a dummy. it'll look killer anyways though. i'll have to post some pictures.

Oh and i discovered my new favorite pastime. i started going for runs again and have found the best place to do it - frasier's grove. that way i can look at all the houses when i'm running. it's is so beautiful, im so excited. however..last night i discovered something even better! i made some coffee, put it in a travel cup and when for a nice long walk down to frasier's grove. This way, by walking i can really get a full view of the houses because im going at such a slower pace. and so i've been making a list of my favorite houese on each street. it's kinda become like a game now, and every night the one i thought was my favorite from the night before suddenly isn't my favorite, but i now have a new one...and so on and so on. so if you see some crazy chick with a coffee cup in her hand looking creepily at the houses on dunrobin, or helmsdale, or linden...that's just me.

Monday, July 19, 2010

# 14

Alright. so yes i have been a tad bit un-faithful to my readers...all two of them. my last post was almost a year ago, and thanks to the urging of a good friend, i have been inspired to keep up on what's been going on my life.

First, i have moved into my beautiful house. in fact in september it will mark my one year aniversary. and many things have changed since i moved. the biggest one is my cat sammie. a great love of my life. i bought sammie from the humane society on a whim - i had a mouse in my house and it was either buy a cat or sell. i had no other options. i was honestly ready to sell. anyways, i ended up moving into my parent's house for about 3 weeks while my brother-in-law and i tried to catch this damn rodent. we eventually caught him and went through the whole house and tried our best to mouse-prof it for this comming fall. since i've had sammie i haven't had a mouse yet and i've been less careful (dishes sit in the sink with food in them and i don't clean on top of my stove as much as i used to), and so far i've been pretty lucky. knock on wood. and sammie is the icing on the cake. i am not a cat person, i can't stress that enough, but darn it that little guy is so damn cute i just want to eat him up.

So here's a crazy story for you about my mouse-capades. Ok so i saw the mouse on monday morning, when i got to my parents (i drop my dog off there everymorning for doggy day care), i told my dad. he was like, so go by some traps. thanks for understanding dad. anyways, my mom calls me at work at says i can stay at their house untill it is caught. at least one of them understands the hell my life was in at the point. so i go and by some traps that night, the sticky kind because the other kinds i dont particulary enjoy cleaning up after. so i set some up and wait a few days...nothing. so i have now decided that im going to outsmart this thing - i set up a huge piece of cheese in the kitchen and surround the cheese completly with the sticky traps. there are 7 sticky traps in a circle around the cheese - this way the mouse has to step on the traps to get to the cheese. a few days later i head over there to check on the progress. here is the interesting part - the sticky traps have been pused aside and the chesse is gone. like seriously? how smart is this thing? so anyways, im hyperventalating because this mouse is nuts, and i decide to go and buy some snap traps. after i re-gain my ability to breath, i notice something strange...there are only 6 sticky traps by where the cheese was. one is missing. i thought the mouse pushed then apart, but instead he took one with him somewhere. im freaking out now. i rush out of the house and call my sister hysterically. so her and my brother -in-law offer to come over later and help set up the snap traps. two days later - we got him. dead. thank heavens. the strange part - i never found the missing sticky trap. my sister thinks i might have had two mice and one got stuck on it, but where would it have gone? and i would have smelt it decaying....creepy right? totally. and to this day i still have not found the sticky trap...

What else has been happening since then? besides work, my life is pretty boring. nothing super huge or exciting has been happening that i can think of, but now that im going to keep up on this blog there should be some great stories that happen during the week to write about.

Oh, quick question - is it wrong to be obsessed with someone im stalking on facebook? i've meet him a few times, but i have become a hard-core stalker...even stalking his sisters. it's sad. i hope it will progress into more so i will have some stuff to talk about on here besides what his facebook status told me he's doing...

haha, ok well that's all for now.