Thursday, February 19, 2009

#11 i am leaving for mexico in 2 sleeps. and i haven't packed yet, haven't even started to attempt to, haven't done any laundry, haven't cleaned the house from top to bottom, and haven't worked out in a good week and 1/2. yup. and my ridiculously pale skin is making me lement the fact that i wanted to save money and not tan. and when i tried my black bathing suit on yesterday, my skin was glowing. as in when the sun hits the snow in winter and the snow hurts the eyes cause it's soo damn bright. yup. that is what my skin looks like. im afraid planes will start to land on the beach in cancun because they will catch a glimps of me. but what can you do right?
also im going to be flying alone which is never fun, and i couldn't get a direct flight of course because they are too damn expensive, so instead im stopping off in minnapolis, which is alright except i hate layovers, and i have to pick up my bag from baggage claim and then put it on a different trolly which will then escort my luggage to my cancun connecting flight. so basically if i screw this up, i will be in cancun but my luggage will not. yup.
but on the plus side i am very excited to sit on the beach all day and drink. this vacation is MUCH needed! however, i have a mid-term on the 3rd when i get back, so sometime during my lazing around in mexico i need to find time to study 6 chapters when i just bought the text book yesterday. smart kristen, very smart.

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