Wednesday, March 4, 2009

# 12

hello again. so i am back in winnipeg...sigh. cancun was probably one of the best trips i have ever been on. i would say the best part was getting to hang out with mel, get drunk, watch the beautiful men who worked by the pool, and just plan relax, all the while sitting in the sun. and for those of you who were wondering, yes i did indeed get a tan. however, it was a tan for my skin...which means i still looked ghostly pale, but i do actually have tan lines. so yuppie for me. at least when im 80 i won't have crazy wrinkles.

so i get home late on saturday night, and i crashed into my bed and slept pretty much all day sunday. then monday it was back at work. then monday night i had to cram for an exam i had to take on tuesday morning. well..i ended up studying for about 30 mintues, then watched the bachelor and the city, then went to bed. of course i planned on waking up early tuesday morning to study, but i slept in. but the exam went pretty well i thought, i guess i'll know more when i get the results in. but like's my last class before i graduated. i could care less.

anyhoo, so i have a plumber comming on thursday (tommorow) to fix my toilet which has been broken for about 6 months or so, and i need to clean my room like yesterday. it's honestly really gross. i can't remember the last time i vacummed. or dusted. so anyways, i was like, wednesday night for sure i'll clean it. but then i forgot that im babysitting my nieces and newphew tonight. hahaha. great. so now i don't know when on earth im going to have time to clean up. then my dad tells me that he's re-doing the whole basement starting like this week, and the guy who he's hiring to rip it apart is comming to look at it tonight! room is really gross and im quite embarrased about it. and when they are re-doing the basement that means i have to move up to one of the bedrooms upstairs, and the only one my mom will let my dog live in is the tinest one. and i have alot of stuff. so that's something to look forward to.

also im in the market for a house. i've been looking, but i think im going to wait untill after the summer. not the best time, but my parents say i need to wait untill after cabin season b/c in the summer they are gone from thursday night to monday night and they need me to still be living there so i can watch the house. isn't that nice. forget my plans to move out in spring. i guess i'll be moving out in the fall. oh well, at least this way i can buy a new car and have it paid off before i move. on that note, im still confused as to which one to buy...i think it's between a vw bug or a honda element. the element is more practical, but it's also alot bigger, and i don't do well in big vechicles...