Friday, February 13, 2009


hello everyone. so it has been awhile, once again since the last entry. and i have moved up to the front office at work, and therefore have lots of time and computer access on my hands, so i think or should hope anyways, that the entrys will become more of a regular thing.

The last time i wrote was just after the new year. me and mel went out to the bar with some friends, got kinda drunk, danced up a storm, and then i sent her on her way. well actually she left on a plane, but same thing.

also around this time, i started dating this guy. my brother-in-law works with him and thought we'd hit it off. so it was my first blind date, and i was pretty nervous, but it turned out ok. and then we went out a second time right before new years. we played pool and he won one game, and i won one, so i bet him that the loser of the next game has to pay for dinner. and he ended up losing, wither on purpose or not i can't say - he sunk the eight ball. now he plays in a pool league so i assumed he knew what he was doing, but it was a wild shot so..anyways, regardless, he ended up buying dinner. which was great. the only thing better then dinner is free dinner.

then we decided to see a moose game later on in the week. i also gave him a test - if he texted me on new years, then he was interested. because you see, we had already seen each other the day before new years and exchanged happy new years wishes. so i went out of town with mel for new years, but when i turned my phone back on in the city - there it was. a message from him. he passed the test...or so i thought.

then we go to the moose game a few days later and all is good. we're joking and laughing and such. then we are driving home and he's like, "hey, do you want to do something else?" and i say, "ya do you just want to go watch a movie at my place." so we do. and we're sitting on a love seat couch pretty close and yada yada yada, the movie goes on and...he doesn't make a move. i was like, what? ok, maybe he's waiting till he leaves. so the movie's done, and i get up to take it out of the player, and expect him to get up and get ready to leave. but no. he remains seated. so i go back down and sit beside him. ok now i made sure that i was sitting facing him, and the lights are still off, and the moonlight is pooring in through the window, and how could this not be a better setting for some serious action. but no, we just end up talking for another 20 mintues or so, and believe me there was ackward pauses applently and all he had to do was lean over...anyways, as he was leaving he was like, "ok..well...ok..." and i of course said the same thing. and still nothing. and then he left. i was shocked. not to sound cocky or anything, but that has NEVER happened to me. like i mean NEVER. how can somebody just not make a move! so i was wiered out, and that was the last time we went out. we texted a few times, and made concrete plans awhile back, but the dumbass texted me like 2 hours before we were supposto go out and said he was staying in, but really wanted to hang out next weekend. i was like, ha - don't think so. i mean talk about mixed messages! first him seems all into it, then after the movie he's suddenly not? strange stuff...

so the moral of this story is, jump a guy right away because at least if it doesn't work out, you get to make-out for alittle while. and let's face it, alittle action never hurt anyone. and then once that is accomplished, you can kick him to the curb. oh snap.


Melanie said...

oh. my. word. hilarious.

I'm back...... said...

I am reading your blog and absolutely laughed at your date stories. You should be a writer for Sex and the City. Sorry to hear the guy was such a loser but you do have a good style of writing. You should keep it up. Your blog site is officially added as one of my favorite blogs to read every so often. I hope all is well.

Your old neighbour Karen.